
Как быстро выйти из Counter-Strike 2 - блог


How to exit CS2 quickly


How to get out of Counter-Strike 2 quickly

I think that by the title of the article you already understand what it's about. Below you will learn how to quickly close Counter-Strike 2 using console commands. This method is a better solution for quickly closing CS2 than using the ALT+F4 keys or the Task Manager.

Quick exit via the console

To make a quick exit from CS2, you will need to use the developer console (how to enable the console in CS2) and write the following command there:

You should be able to do this:

Then press Enter and the game will close instantly.

Alternative command

There is another command to exit CS2 via the console:
This command is similar to the first one, but when you use it, a confirmation window will appear.

Quick exit bind

To avoid constantly opening the console and writing commands, use a bind that allows you to close the game with one button:
bind "p" "quit"
Instead of the P button, you can specify any other button.

Many professional CS2 players use this command on NUMPAD. They usually put a bind on the asterisk button.:
bind "kp_multiply" "quit"
You can also use the other NUMPAD buttons.

Why the bind does not work in the main menu

Unfortunately, using the bind in the main menu of the game does not work, so you can make a quick exit there only through the console. In game mode, the bind works flawlessly.
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