I think that by the title of the article you already understand what it's about. Below you will learn how to quickly close Counter-Strike 2 using console commands. This method is a better solution for quickly closing CS2 than using the ALT+F4 keys or the Task Manager.
Quick exit via the console
To make a quick exit from CS2, you will need to use the developer console (how to enable the console in CS2) and write the following command there: quit
You should be able to do this:
Then press Enter and the game will close instantly.
Alternative command
There is another command to exit CS2 via the console: cs_quit_prompt
This command is similar to the first one, but when you use it, a confirmation window will appear.
Quick exit bind
To avoid constantly opening the console and writing commands, use a bind that allows you to close the game with one button: bind "p" "quit"
Instead of the P button, you can specify any other button.
Many professional CS2 players use this command on NUMPAD. They usually put a bind on the asterisk button.: bind "kp_multiply" "quit"
You can also use the other NUMPAD buttons.