
Условия обслуживания

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Текст данного пользовательского соглашения размещен в интернете по адресу:, содержит все основные положения соглашения, и является публичной офертой, содержащей условия, на которых пользователям дается возможность использовать сайт, размещенный в интернете по адресу: Принятием данной оферты является авторизация в соответствии с положениями данного соглашения. Авторизация на сайте осуществляется с помощью логина и пароля учетной записи STEAM. Однако данный сайт и STEAM являются разными ресурсами, которые не подчиняются друг другу. Сайт не связан с корпорацией VALVE.

ВНИМАНИЕ! Если Вы не согласны с положениями данного пользовательского соглашения, не авторизуйтесь на сайте CS2CASE.IO и не используйте услуги этого сайта.

    1. Аналогом собственной подписи является вход на сервис с помощью учетной записи steam, которая используется на страницах защищенного сайта и последующих действиях на сайте, включая оплату услуг, и нажатие других кнопок связанных с работой на сайте.
    2. Пользователь – лицо сайта, которое зарегистрировалось на сайте с помощью учетной записи steam. Пользователь должен быть полностью дееспособным физическим лицом, достигшим возраста 18 лет.
    3. Защищенные страницы сайта – это страницы онлайн сервиса сайта, полный доступ к которым возможен только при использовании учетной записи steam, которая является аналогом подписи.
    4. Steam аккаунт – совокупность авторизационной и другой информации о пользователе, имеющем доступ в steam, расположенный по адресу или другие адреса, которым пользуется указанный электронный ресурс.
    5. Сервисы – услуги, предоставляемые исполнителем с помощью сервиса, дает возможность пользователю открывать кейсы из игры CS. Список услуг и их стоимость могут изменяться по усмотрению исполнителя. Исполнитель уведомляет пользователя об изменении списка услуг и их стоимости по электронной почте или иным способом, включая размещение соответствующей информации на сайте.
    6. Баланс – цифровая валюта, которая предоставляется сайтом, используемая для оплаты услуг. Баланс отображается на защищенных страницах сайта Баланс сайта используется только внутри сайта и не может быть использован для каких-либо транзакций вне сайта. Покупка виртуальных игровых единиц – баланса – осуществляется пользователем только на сайте в соответствии с правилами, указанными в данном соглашении. Баланс можно пополнить следующими способами:
      • Обмен внутри игровых предметов (скинов) игры Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
      • Пополнение с помощью денежной валюты
    7. Сайт – совокупность программного и аппаратного обеспечения компьютеров, обеспечивающих публикацию для просмотра информации и данных, объединенных общей целью, посредством технических методов, используемых для связи компьютеров через интернет. На сайт можно зайти с помощью уникального электронного адреса или его названия. На данный сайт можно зайти по ссылке
    8. Пользовательское соглашение – данное соглашение об использовании онлайн сервиса '', заключается между исполнителем и пользователем.
    9. Стороны – администратор и пользователь являются сторонами настоящего соглашения.
    10. Скины – предметы игры Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
    11. Все остальные термины и определения, которые будут найдены в тексте настоящего соглашения, толкуются сторонами в контексте определений терминов в пункте 1.1. настоящего соглашения, и в соответствии с правильным толкованием соответствующих терминов, определения которых можно найти в интернете, не противоречащие положениям настоящего соглашения.
    12. Названия заголовков (пунктов) настоящего соглашения предназначены для удобства чтения текста соглашения и не несут юридической ценности.
    13. В случае расхождений в интерпретации терминов и определений в тексте настоящего соглашения и в тексте норм и правил, доступном на сайте (например, в разделе часто задаваемые вопросы) толкование, содержащееся в тексте настоящего соглашения (публичной оферты) является приоритетным.
    1. В соответствии с данным соглашением, исполнитель обязуется предоставить платные услуги: предоставление необходимых условий для открытия кейсов CS2; пополнение баланса на сайте; консультирование и техническая поддержка при работе с сервисом; оказание иных услуг, представленных на сайте.
    2. Человек, принимающий данную оферту становится пользователем и гарантирует использовать сайт только в соответствии с положениями и условиями настоящего пользовательского соглашения.
    3. Использование услуг сайта человеком, который признан недееспособным (возраст или по состоянию здоровья) согласно с правилами и законами соответствующей юрисдикции (страна проживания физического лица) ЗАПРЕЩЕНО.
    4. Исполнитель имеет право привлечь других людей для оказания услуг, при этом он несет ответственность за оказание услуг пользователю.
    1. Стороны дают согласие, что их взаимодействие через электронную почту посредством e-mail адреса и/или через осуществление заключительных действий на страницах защищенного сайта, т.е. действия, которые свидетельствуют о воле и намерении исполнить определенные действия официальны и действительны, и направление любой информации, уведомлений и документов может осуществляться в форме взаимодействия, описанного выше. Такое направление любой информации, уведомлений и документов хранится с использованием программного и аппаратного обеспечения сайта. Стороны подтверждают, что лица, которые общаются с помощью электронной почты или путем заключительных действий на защищенных страницах сайта, уполномочены выполнять любые действия в соответствии с соглашением, так же как и подписать документы, связанные с данным соглашением. Стороны гарантируют, что любые документы, предоставленные в электронной форме, в том числе, но не ограничиваясь, в форме сканов или факсов, имеют юридическую силу.
    2. После переключения на защищенные страницы сайта, пользователь может использовать все функции сервиса, включая приобретение услуг, пополнение баланса на сайте.
    3. Использование сайта происходит путем совершения пользователем соответствующих действий, подтверждающих его намерение приобрести услуги (заключительные действия).
    1. Цены кейсов CS2 на сайте устанавливаются администратором и могут быть изменены согласно решению администратора. Цены указываются на соответствующей странице сайта.
    2. Пользователь имеет право оплачивать услуги сайта одним из методов оплаты, предоставленным сайтом. Оплата осуществляется пользователем через электронную платежную систему (поставщика электронных платежных услуг), позволяющую в режиме реального времени оплачивать товары и услуги через интернет, включая услуги сайта.
    3. Платежные обязательства пользователя считаются исполненными при наличии успешного результата авторизации платежа в электронной платежной системе относительно сайта. Информация электронной платежной системы о доставленном платеже служит доказательством совершенной оплаты.
    4. В случае оплаты сайта через электронные платежные системы, поставщик платежных услуг может взимать комиссию с пользователя в соответствии с правилами поставщика платежных услуг (электронные платежные системы). Администратор не несет ответственность за такие расходы как комиссия поставщика платежных услуг.
    5. Возврат оплаты (даже неиспользованной) сайт не предоставляет.
    6. Администратор не контролирует аппаратное и программное обеспечение платежных систем и не несет ответственность за их ошибки. Если у пользователя были списаны средства, но платеж не был зачислен электронной платежной системой, поставщик электронных платежных услуг (платежная система) обязан вернуть средства пользователю.
    7. По всем возникшим вопросам Вы можете связаться с нами по электронному адресу: [email protected]. По возможности, мы обсудим с вами и/или другим пользователем нашего сайта решение любого спора, возникшего в результате вашей покупки.
    8. Оплатить заказ можно банковскими картами Visa, Master Card, «Мир» или через платежные системы Apple Pay, Яндекс.Деньги, QIWI.
    1. Если пользователь нарушает какие-либо положения настоящего соглашения, любые другие регулирующие документы и правила, опубликованные администратором на сайте, администратор имеет право заблокировать или удалить аккаунт пользователя с сайта в одностороннем и внесудебном порядке, запретить или ограничить доступ пользователя к определенным или ко всем функциям сайта. В то же время блокировка или ограничения могут быть произведены администратором без уведомления пользователя и вступают в силу с момента принятия решения администратором и совершения соответствующих технических действий. В случае блокировки или ограничения доступа пользователя к его учетной записи на сайте и/или к услугам сайта по причине нарушения положений или других регулирующих документов и правил, опубликованных администратором на сайте определяется как виновное лицо (как умышленные, так и неосторожные действия со стороны пользователя сайта) монеты и скины (виртуальные игровые единицы), которые были на балансе пользователя сайта, аннулируются и не возвращаются пользователю ни в какой форме.
    2. Администратор не несет ответственность за работоспособность сайта и не гарантирует его бесперебойную работу. Администратор также не гарантирует безопасность опубликованной на сайте информации и возможность непрерывного доступа к сервисам сайта.
    3. Если из за сбоя в работе аппаратно-программной части сайта тот или иной раунд игры (развлекательный сервис сайта) завершился некорректно (не связано с указанными на сайте правилами), каждый пользователь, участвующий в соответствующем раунде имеет право опротестовать результат такого раунда с указанием причин, используя специальную форму для обратной связи на сайте в течение одного дня. После данного протеста результат раунда может быть отменен, и сделанные ставки будут возвращены участвующим пользователям. В противном случае раунд будет признан действительным.
    4. Пользователь использует сайт таким, какой он представлен в интернете по адресу Администратор не гарантирует пользователю достижение каких-либо результатов, обусловленных использованием сайта.
    5. Администратор не несет ответственность за пользователя в случае блокировки (другие неблагоприятные события) учетной записи steam в связи с использованием данного сайта. Пользователь должен знать, что существует риск (блокировка учетной записи steam) и не будет иметь никаких претензий относительно администратора в связи с ситуацией, описанной в данном пункте.
    6. Администратор не несет ответственность за несоответствие субъективного впечатления и ожиданий пользователя о сайте и об услугах сайта. Администратор не несет ответственность за воздействие и впечатления от дизайна сайта, шрифтов и стиля размещенного контента на сайте.
    7. Администратор не гарантирует и не несет ответственность, если использование услуг сайта запрещено и/или ограничено юрисдикцией, под которой сейчас находится пользователь, посещающий сайт и/или использующий услуги сайта.
    1. Администратор предоставляет пользователю доступ к информации сайта, к информации об услугах сайта, к тексту настоящего соглашения и другим регулирующим документам, устанавливающим правила и регламенты получения услуг сайта перед тем, как пользователь авторизуется на сайте. После авторизации на сайте, пользователю предоставляется возможность получения услуг сайта.
    2. Настоящее соглашение считается принятым с момента авторизации пользователя на сайте путем ввода логина и пароля учетной записи steam в специальной форме. В то же время, данный сайт и steam разные ресурсы.
      1. Администратор может идентифицировать пользователя в сообществе steam, благодаря открытой информации сообщества steam. В случае авторизации пользователя на сайте через учетную запись steam, сайт получает уникальный числовой идентификатор, но не закрытую информацию, указанную пользователем в steam.
      2. При авторизации на сайте, пользователь выражает непосредственное, полное, безоговорочное и безусловное согласие с положениями настоящего соглашения.
      3. Предполагается, что пользователь, авторизованный на сайте не должен сообщать администратору какую-либо личную информацию, во время существования правовых отношений между сторонами настоящего соглашения и после прекращения его действия, администратор не обязан защищать личную информацию пользователя. Как данный сайт и steam являются разными ресурсами, так и личная информация пользователя, которая возможно указана при регистрации в steam, не переходит на данный сайт с steam (доступ не открыт), сайт не несет ответственность за то, как steam и другие ресурсы взаимодействуют с steam коллекциями, магазином, процессами, изменениями, уничтожением информации пользователя.
    3. Администратор имеет право изменять, аннулировать, добавлять любые положения в настоящее соглашение и другие регулирующие документы сайта (правила, которые доступны на сайте и содержат инструкции по регулированию и предоставлению услуг сайта) в любое время в одностороннем порядке без предварительного согласования с пользователем.
      1. Измененный/добавленный текст настоящего соглашения становится обязательным для всех пользователей через 12 часов с момента публикации измененного/добавленного текста соглашения в сети по адресу:
      2. Пользователь обязан проверять изменения в тексте соглашения, которое доступно в сети по адресу Если по усмотрению администратора изменения требуют дополнительного персонального уведомления пользователей, администратор имеет право (не обязан) уведомить персонально круг лиц, которых могут коснуться изменения/дополнения.
      3. Использование сайта и его услуг пользователем после публикации измененного текста настоящих положений и условий по адресу: означает, что пользователь полностью и безусловно согласен со всеми правилами измененного текста соглашения.
    4. Все предложения или вопросы по данному соглашению можно отправлять по адресу: [email protected]
    1. Стороны, получившие доступ к конфиденциальной информации в целях выполнения своих обязательств по этому соглашению, информацию, которая содержит коммерческую тайну, не имеют права раскрывать ее третьим лицам без письменного разрешения других сторон данного соглашения, кроме случаев, предусмотренных законом.
    2. В случае нарушения обязательств, предусмотренных в пункте 7.1. данного соглашения, стороны должны нести ответственность в соответствии с нормами законодательства Российской Федерации.
    3. Пользователь соглашается с положениями, целями и процедурами обработки личной информации на основе политики конфиденциальности, размещенной на сайте:, а также дает свое согласие на обработку личной информации.
    1. Сайт может содержать ссылки на другие сайты (сайты третьих лиц). Указанные сайты третьих лиц и их содержание не проверяется администратором на соответствие тех или иных требований (достоверность, полнота, законность и т.д.). Администратор не несет ответственность за какую-либо информацию, материалы, опубликованные на сайтах третьих лиц, к которым у пользователя есть доступ в связи с использованием данного сайта включая: любые мнения или утверждения, выраженные на сайтах третьих лиц, в рекламе и т.д., а также доступность таких сайтов или содержания и последствия их использования.
    2. Администратор не гарантирует, что сайт соответствует требованиям пользователя, что доступ к сайту будет предоставлен беспрерывно, быстро, надежно и без ошибок. Аппаратно-программные ошибки, как со стороны администратора, так и со стороны пользователя, которые приводят к отказу в доступе к сайту и/или личному аккаунту на сайте, являются форс-мажорными обстоятельствами и освобождают администратора от выполнения соглашения.
    3. Администратор имеет право уступать права и переводить долги в соответствии со всеми обязательствами, указанными в соглашении. Пользователь дает свое согласие уступить права и переводить долг третьим лицам. Администратор информирует пользователя об уступке прав и/или переводе долга, путем публикации соответствующей информации на сайте, такое уведомление считается достаточным для обеих сторон.
    4. На сайте запрещено использование багов, мультиаккаунтинга, в этом случае администратор имеет право отказаться от обслуживания любого пользователя сайта.
    5. Администратор имеет право отказаться от обслуживания любого пользователя сайта без объяснений.
    6. В определенных случаях использования сайта (включая, но не ограничиваясь: в случае спора между сторонами, в случае предоставления пользователю эксклюзивных опций сайта и в других случаях) администратор может предложить пользователю информировать о личной информации. В этом случае, предоставляя личную информацию, пользователь тем самым соглашается (без каких-либо дополнительных формальных процедур, кроме принятия данного соглашения), что у администратора есть право обрабатывать личную информацию, предоставленную пользователем, то есть совершать любое действие (транзакцию) или комплекс действий (транзакции), сделанных с использованием автоматизированного оборудования или без его использования с личной информацией, включающей захват, запись, систематизацию, накопление, место хранения, обработку (обновление, изменение), поиск, использование, перевод (распространение, обеспечение, доступ), обезличивание, соединение, удаление, уничтожение личной информации, предоставленной пользователем.
    1. В заключение данного соглашения, пользователь гарантирует, что он полностью дееспособен, и у него есть право принять данное соглашение.
    2. В случае возникновения разногласий между сторонами, информация, которая записывается на данном сайте, имеет главное значение при решении таких разногласий.
    3. Стороны принимают во внимание и соглашаются, что выполнение, неисполнение или ненадлежащее выполнение обязательств данного соглашения может повлиять на статус пользователя, в соответствии с правилами сайта, информация о нем отображается на соответствующих страницах сайта, используемых в связи с функционированием сайта и его сервисов.
    4. Пользователь гарантирует, что использует сайт в соответствии с положениями и условиями его использования, информация об этом на защищенных страницах сайта отображается корректно и в полном объеме, они работают под своими собственными, а не вымышленными именами, все действия, совершенные на сайте, совершаются ими лично или через авторизованное лицо, которое привязано и имеет юридическую силу для пользователя. Стороны гарантируют уведомлять друг друга о любых фактах несанкционированного раскрытия информации третьим лицам. В случае, если учетной записью пользователя владеет третье лицо, которое совершило от его имени действия в личном кабинете, нанесшие ущерб пользователю, исполнитель не несет ответственность.
    5. Все изменения соглашения, переписка между сторонами, уведомления и обращения осуществляются исключительно в России.
    6. Текущее соглашение опубликовано на сайте:
    7. Неотъемлемыми частями этого соглашения, которое пользователь, безусловно, принимает, являются: - Согласие на обработку личной информации, опубликованное на сайте:; - Политика в области обработки персональных данных, опубликованная на сайте:
    • E-mail: [email protected]
    • International Business Systems S.R.L. Reg. number: 3-102-693823
    • Beneficiary’s address:San Jose-Santa Ana,Three Hundred And Fifty Meters Of The Restaurant Ceviche Del Rey, Costa-Rica

Последнее обновление: 25.12.2024

The text of this User Agreement, permanently posted on the Internet at the network address:, contains all the essential terms of the Agreement - the interconnection agreement, and is a public offer containing conditions on which Users are given the opportunity to use the Website, permanently presented on the Internet at the network address: The acceptance of this offer is the action of any individual connected with authorization in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The authorization on the Website is carried out through the login and password of the User account in the STEAM community. However, the Website and STEAM are different resources that are not subordinate to each other. The Website is not affiliated VALVE corporation.

ATTENTION! If you do not agree to the terms of this User Agreement, do not log in to CS2CASE.IO and do not use services of this Website.

    1. The analog of the handwritten signature is the entry into the Service by using the Steam account used by the User on the Secure Website pages and subsequent actions on the Secure Website pages, including payment for the Contractor's Services, and pressing other buttons in connection with the operation of the Service.
    2. User - the person of the Website who is logged on to the Website by using the Steam account on the Website. The user may be a fully capable natural person who has reached the age of eighteen.
    3. Protected pages of the Website are pages of the online service of the Website, full access to which is possible only when using the 'Steam' account with the analogue of the handwritten signature.
    4. The 'Steam' account - a collection of authorization and other information about the User used to access 'Steam' located on the Internet at or other addresses used by the specified electronic resource.
    5. Services – services provided by the Contractor through the Service to provide opening of CS cases.. The List of Services and their cost can be changed at the discretion of the Contractor. The Contractor notifies the User by e-mail or by other means about changing the list of services and their cost, including by posting relevant information on the Website.
    6. Balance - the digital currency provided on the Website, used to pay for the Services. The balance is shown on the Secure pages of the Website. Website balance are used only within the Website and can not be the subject of any transactions outside the Website. Purchasing of virtual game units - Balance - by the User is carried out only on the Website and according to the rules specified in this Agreement. Balance can be obtained in one of the following ways:
      • Exchange inside the game items (Skins) of the network game (software) Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on balance
      • Purchase of balance for money
    7. Website - a set of software and hardware for computers providing the publication for viewing information and data united by a common purpose, by means of technical methods used for communication between computers in the Internet. the Website is accessible by a unique electronic address or by its letter designation. the Website is understood as a Website located on the Internet at:
    8. User agreement - this agreement on the use of the '' online service, concluded between the Contractor and the User.
    9. Parties - the Administrator and the User who are the Parties of the present Agreement.
    10. Keys - Items of the network game (software) Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
    11. All other terms and definitions which are found in the text of the present Agreement are interpreted by the Parties in the context of the terms definitions specified in paragraph 1.1. of the present Agreement, and according to the regular rules of interpretation of the corresponding terms which have been developed on the Internet, not contrary to the provisions of the present Agreement.
    12. Names of headings (articles) of the present Agreement are intended for convenience to use the text of the Agreement only and have no literal legal value.
    13. In case of discrepancies in the interpretation of terms and definitions in the text of the present Agreement and in the text of the rules and regulations which are available on the Website (for example, in the section F.A.Q. of the website) the interpretation containing in the text of the present Agreement (the public offer) is applied and considered a priority.
    1. In accordance with this agreement, the contractor undertakes to provide paid services: providing the necessary conditions for opening CS2 cases; replenishment of balance on the website; consulting and technical support when working with the service; provision of other services presented on the site.
    2. The person accepting this offer becomes the User and undertakes to use the Website only under the terms and conditions of the present Agreement.
    3. The use of the Website services by the persons who is legally incapable (age and health status) according to regulations and laws of a relevant jurisdiction (country of physical person residence) is FORBIDDEN.
    4. The Executor has the right to involve other persons for the provision of the Services, while remaining responsible for their rendering to the User.
    1. The parties agreed that their interaction through electronic correspondence using e-mail addresses and / or through the implementation of conclusive actions on the Website's secure pages, i.e. actions that testify to the will and intention to perform certain actions is official and valid, and the direction of any information, notifications and documents can be carried out in the form of the interaction described above. Such direction of any information, notifications and documents is stored using the software and hardware of the Website. The parties confirm that persons who communicate with e-mail addresses or through the implementation of conclusive acts on the Secure Pages of the Website are authorized with each Party in full to perform any actions under this Agreement, as well as to sign any documents related to the execution of this Agreement, without providing additional powers of attorney. The parties guarantee that any documents provided in electronic form, including, but not limited to, in the form of scanned copies or faxes, shall have legal force.
    2. After switching to the Secure Pages of the Website, the User may use all the features of the Service, including the acquisition of services, replenishment of the balance on the Website.
    3. Using of the Website occurs through the implementation of the appropriate actions confirming his intentions to receive the Services (concluding actions) by the User.
    1. The prices for Coins and Sets of STEAM cards on the Website are estimated by the Administrator and can be changed according to the decision of the Administrator. The prices are specified on the corresponding page of the Website.
    2. The user has the right to pay the Website Services with one of the payment methods provided on the Website. Payment is made by the User by means of the aggregator of an electronic payment system (an electronic payment service provider) allowing in real time through the Internet to pay goods and services, including the Website Services.
    3. Payment obligations are considered to be performed by the User, if there is a successful result of payment authorization in the electronic payment system applied to the fee of the Website. Information of an electronic payment system on a delivered payment serves as the proof of made payment.
    4. In case of the fee of the Website via electronic payment system applied to the fee of the Website, a payment service provider may charge the commission from the User by rules of a payment service provider (electronic payment system). The Administrator is not responsible for charging such commissions by payment service providers.
    5. Refund for paid (and not consumed) Website services is not provided.
    6. The administrator does not control hardware and software of a payment system and is not responsible for errors in such hardware and technical complex. If such errors were resulted by cash write-off of the User, but payment has not been authorized by an electronic payment system, the provider/aggregator of an electronic payment system (payment system) is obliged to refund to the User.
    7. For customer service inquiries or disputes, You may contact us by email at [email protected]. Where possible, we will work with you and/or any user selling on our website, to resolve any disputes arising from your purchase.
    8. You can pay for your order by bank cards Visa, Master Card, Mir or through payment systems Apple Pay, Yandex.Money, QIWI.
    1. If the User violates any terms of the present Agreement, any other regulating documents and rules posted by the Administrator on the Website, the Administrator has the right to block or delete the account of the User from the Website unilaterally and extrajudicially, to prohibit or limit access for the User to certain or all functions of the Website. At the same time such blocking or restrictions can be made by the Administrator without prior notice of the User and begin to work from the moment of adoption of such decision by the Administrator and making of the corresponding technical actions by the Administrator. In case of access blocking or restriction for the User to the User's account on the Website and/or to the Website Services by the Administrator in a cause of violation of the terms by the User or any other regulating documents and rules posted by the Administrator on the Website (that is qualified as – the guilty persons (both intentional and careless actions from the User of the Website) the Coins and Skins (virtual game units) which are available on User's balance on the Website are annulled and not refund by the Administrator to the User in any form.
    2. The administrator is not responsible for the operability of the Website and does not guarantee its smooth operation. The administrator also does not guarantee safety information posted on the Website and a possibility of uninterrupted access to the Website Services.
    3. If because of failure in work of hardware-software part of the Website this or that Round of a game (entertaining Website Service) is completed incorrectly (not by the rules specified on the Website), every User participating in the corresponding Round has the right to raise an objection to the result of such Round with indication of the reasons, having used a special form of feedback on the Website within one day. After such objection consideration the result of such Round can be canceled, and the placed Bets - are returned to the participating Users. Otherwise, the Round is declared valid.
    4. The user uses the Website as it is presented in the Internet at the network address: The administrator does not guarantee to the User any achievement of any results caused by the use of the Website.
    5. The administrator is not responsible for the User in case of blocking (other adverse effects) of User's account in community STEAM in connection with the use of the Website of the Administrator. The User assumes the specified risk (blocking of the account in community STEAM) and refuses any claims towards the Administrator in connection with the situation described in this paragraph.
    6. The administrator is not responsible for discrepancies of User's subjective impression of the Website and Website Services with User's expectations. The administrator is not responsible for what the impact and impressions of Website design, fonts and style of content placement on the Website have on the User.
    7. The administrator does not guarantee and is not responsible if use of the Website Services is forbidden and/or limited in that jurisdiction in which there is a User at the time of visiting the Website and/or use of the Website Services.
    1. The administrator provides the User with access to the Website information, Website Services information, the text of the present Agreement and other regulating documents establishing rules and regulations of receiving services of the Website before the User's authorization on the Website. After authorization on the Website, the User is given an opportunity of receiving website services.
    2. The present Agreement is considered concluded from the moment of the User's authorization on the Website through entering login and the password of the STEAM account in a special form. At the same time, the Website and STEAM are the different resources managed not by affiliates.
      1. The administrator is able to identify the User in community STEAM, obtain opened information in community STEAM on the User. In case of authorization of the User on the Website through STEAM account the Website gets the unique numerical identifier, but not closed information specified by the User on the STEAM resource.
      2. Being authorized on the Website, the User expresses the direct, full, unreserved and unconditional consent with regulations of the present Agreement.
      3. Considering that being authorized on the Website the User does not have to report any User's personal information to the Administrator, during existence of legal relationship between the Parties of the present Agreement and after the termination of the present Agreement, the Administrator is not under obligation to the User to protect User's personal information. As the Website and STEAM are different resources managed not by affiliates and as the User's personal information which is perhaps specified in case of registration at STEAM by the User is not transferred to the Website from STEAM (access is not opened), the Website is not responsible for how STEAM and other resources cooperating with STEAM collect, store, process, change, destroy information of the User.
    3. The administrator has the right to change, cancel, add any terms to the present agreement and other regulating documents of the Website (the rules which are available on the Website and containing instructions on the regulations and the provision of the website services) at any time unilaterally without preliminary coordination with the User.
      1. The changed/added text of the present Agreement becomes obligatory for one and all authorized Users on the expiration of 12 (twelve) hours from the moment of publication of the changed/added text of the Agreement at the network address:
      2. The user is obliged to monitor changes in the text of the Agreement which is available at the network address independently: If at a unilateral discretion of the Administrator the changes demand the additional personal notification of Users, the Administrator has the right (not obliged) to notify personally a circle of Users whom changes/additions may concern.
      3. The Use of the Website and its services by the User after the publication of the changed text of the present Terms and Conditions to the network address: means the User's full and unconditional consent with one and all regulations of the changed text of the Agreement.
    4. All suggestions or questions under this Agreement should be sent to the e-mail address: [email protected]
    1. Parties that have received confidential information for the purposes of fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement, information that constitutes a commercial secret, shall not be entitled to disclose this information to third parties without the written permission of the other Party of this Agreement, except as provided by law.
    2. In case of violation of the obligation provided in clause 7.1 of this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    3. The User agrees to the terms, purposes and procedures forprocessing personal data on the basis of the Policy on the processing ofpersonal data posted on the Website at:, and also gives his consent to the processing of personal data, the textof which can be found at:
    1. The website may contain references to other websites on the Internet (the websites of the third parties). The specified third parties and their content are not checked by the Administrator for compliance to these or those requirements (reliability, completeness, legality, etc.). The administrator is not responsible for any information, the materials posted on the websites of the third parties to which the User gets access in connection with the use of the Website including: for any opinions or statements expressed on the websites of the third parties, advertising, etc. and also for availability of such websites or content and consequences of their use by the User.
    2. The administrator does not guarantee that the Website meets the User's requirements, that access to the Website will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors. Hardware-software errors, both on the Administrator's part, and on the User's part, which lead to access failure to the Website and/or the personal account on the Website, are force majeure circumstances and the basis of exemption for a failure to perform by the Administrator under the Agreement.
    3. The administrator has the right to yield rights and transfer debts according to all liabilities created by the Agreement. The User hereby gives the consent to yield rights and transfer a debt to any third parties. The Administrator informs the User about the taken place yielding of the rights and/or transferring of a debt, by publication of the relevant information on the Website and such notification is considered to be sufficient by both Parties.
    4. The use of bugs and multi-accounts is prohibited on the site; in this case, the administrator has the right to serve any user of the site.
    5. The administrator has the right to refuse service of any User on the Website without explanation.
    6. In certain cases of Website use (including, but, without being limited: in case of dispute between the Parties, in the case of provision of any exclusive options to the User of the Website and in other cases, the list is not closed) the Administrator can offer the User to inform the user's personal information. In this case, providing the personal data, the User thereby agrees (without making any supplementary formal procedures except the acceptance of this agreement) that the Administrator has the right to process the personal data provided by the User i.e. to make any action (transaction) or complex of actions (transactions) made with use of an automation equipment or without use of such means with personal data including capturing, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (updating, change), retrieval, use, transfer (diffusion, provision, access), a depersonalization, lock, deleting, destroying of the personal data provided by the User.
    1. By concluding this Agreement, the User guarantees that he has full legal capacity, and has the right to enter into this Agreement.
    2. In the event of a dispute between the Parties, the information that is recorded using the technical means of the Website is of primary importance in resolving such disagreements.
    3. The Parties take into account and agree that the performance, non-fulfillment or improper performance of obligations under the Agreement can affect the status of the User, in accordance with the rules of the Website, information about it may be reflected on the relevant pages of the Website, used otherwise in connection with the functioning of the Website and its services.
    4. The User guarantees that they use the Website in accordance with the terms and conditions of its use, information about it on the Secure pages of the Website is reflected correctly and in full, they operate under their own, and not fictitious names, all actions performed on the Website are performed by them personally or by authorized persons are binding and legally valid for the User. The Parties undertake to inform each other about any fact of unauthorized disclosure of information to third parties. In the event of the third party's ownership of the User's account and the execution on his behalf of the User of actions in the personal account that have caused or may cause damage to him, the Contractor shall not be liable.
    5. All changes to the Agreement, correspondence between the Parties, notifications and appeals are carried out exclusively in Russian.
    6. The current Agreement is posted on the Website page at:
    7. The integral parts of this Agreement that the User unconditionally accepts (accepts) upon the conclusion of the Agreement are: - Consent to the processing of personal data posted on the Website at: ; - Policy in the field of personal data processing, posted on the Website:
  11. 22

Last update: 25.12.2024

The text of this User Agreement, permanently posted on the Internet at the network address:, contains all the essential terms of the Agreement - the interconnection agreement, and is a public offer containing conditions on which Users are given the opportunity to use the Website, permanently presented on the Internet at the network address: The acceptance of this offer is the action of any individual connected with authorization in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The authorization on the Website is carried out through the login and password of the User account in the STEAM community. However, the Website and STEAM are different resources that are not subordinate to each other. The Website is not affiliated VALVE corporation.

ATTENTION! If you do not agree to the terms of this User Agreement, do not log in to CS2CASE.IO and do not use services of this Website.

    1. The analog of the handwritten signature is the entry into the Service by using the Steam account used by the User on the Secure Website pages and subsequent actions on the Secure Website pages, including payment for the Contractor's Services, and pressing other buttons in connection with the operation of the Service.
    2. User - the person of the Website who is logged on to the Website by using the Steam account on the Website. The user may be a fully capable natural person who has reached the age of eighteen.
    3. Protected pages of the Website are pages of the online service of the Website, full access to which is possible only when using the 'Steam' account with the analogue of the handwritten signature.
    4. The 'Steam' account - a collection of authorization and other information about the User used to access 'Steam' located on the Internet at or other addresses used by the specified electronic resource.
    5. Services – services provided by the Contractor through the Service to provide opening of CS cases.. The List of Services and their cost can be changed at the discretion of the Contractor. The Contractor notifies the User by e-mail or by other means about changing the list of services and their cost, including by posting relevant information on the Website.
    6. Balance - the digital currency provided on the Website, used to pay for the Services. The balance is shown on the Secure pages of the Website. Website balance are used only within the Website and can not be the subject of any transactions outside the Website. Purchasing of virtual game units - Balance - by the User is carried out only on the Website and according to the rules specified in this Agreement. Balance can be obtained in one of the following ways:
      • Exchange inside the game items (Skins) of the network game (software) Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on balance
      • Purchase of balance for money
    7. Website - a set of software and hardware for computers providing the publication for viewing information and data united by a common purpose, by means of technical methods used for communication between computers in the Internet. the Website is accessible by a unique electronic address or by its letter designation. the Website is understood as a Website located on the Internet at:
    8. User agreement - this agreement on the use of the '' online service, concluded between the Contractor and the User.
    9. Parties - the Administrator and the User who are the Parties of the present Agreement.
    10. Keys - Items of the network game (software) Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
    11. All other terms and definitions which are found in the text of the present Agreement are interpreted by the Parties in the context of the terms definitions specified in paragraph 1.1. of the present Agreement, and according to the regular rules of interpretation of the corresponding terms which have been developed on the Internet, not contrary to the provisions of the present Agreement.
    12. Names of headings (articles) of the present Agreement are intended for convenience to use the text of the Agreement only and have no literal legal value.
    13. In case of discrepancies in the interpretation of terms and definitions in the text of the present Agreement and in the text of the rules and regulations which are available on the Website (for example, in the section F.A.Q. of the website) the interpretation containing in the text of the present Agreement (the public offer) is applied and considered a priority.
    1. In accordance with this agreement, the contractor undertakes to provide paid services: providing the necessary conditions for opening CS2 cases; replenishment of balance on the website; consulting and technical support when working with the service; provision of other services presented on the site.
    2. The person accepting this offer becomes the User and undertakes to use the Website only under the terms and conditions of the present Agreement.
    3. The use of the Website services by the persons who is legally incapable (age and health status) according to regulations and laws of a relevant jurisdiction (country of physical person residence) is FORBIDDEN.
    4. The Executor has the right to involve other persons for the provision of the Services, while remaining responsible for their rendering to the User.
    1. The parties agreed that their interaction through electronic correspondence using e-mail addresses and / or through the implementation of conclusive actions on the Website's secure pages, i.e. actions that testify to the will and intention to perform certain actions is official and valid, and the direction of any information, notifications and documents can be carried out in the form of the interaction described above. Such direction of any information, notifications and documents is stored using the software and hardware of the Website. The parties confirm that persons who communicate with e-mail addresses or through the implementation of conclusive acts on the Secure Pages of the Website are authorized with each Party in full to perform any actions under this Agreement, as well as to sign any documents related to the execution of this Agreement, without providing additional powers of attorney. The parties guarantee that any documents provided in electronic form, including, but not limited to, in the form of scanned copies or faxes, shall have legal force.
    2. After switching to the Secure Pages of the Website, the User may use all the features of the Service, including the acquisition of services, replenishment of the balance on the Website.
    3. Using of the Website occurs through the implementation of the appropriate actions confirming his intentions to receive the Services (concluding actions) by the User.
    1. The prices for Coins and Sets of STEAM cards on the Website are estimated by the Administrator and can be changed according to the decision of the Administrator. The prices are specified on the corresponding page of the Website.
    2. The user has the right to pay the Website Services with one of the payment methods provided on the Website. Payment is made by the User by means of the aggregator of an electronic payment system (an electronic payment service provider) allowing in real time through the Internet to pay goods and services, including the Website Services.
    3. Payment obligations are considered to be performed by the User, if there is a successful result of payment authorization in the electronic payment system applied to the fee of the Website. Information of an electronic payment system on a delivered payment serves as the proof of made payment.
    4. In case of the fee of the Website via electronic payment system applied to the fee of the Website, a payment service provider may charge the commission from the User by rules of a payment service provider (electronic payment system). The Administrator is not responsible for charging such commissions by payment service providers.
    5. Refund for paid (and not consumed) Website services is not provided.
    6. The administrator does not control hardware and software of a payment system and is not responsible for errors in such hardware and technical complex. If such errors were resulted by cash write-off of the User, but payment has not been authorized by an electronic payment system, the provider/aggregator of an electronic payment system (payment system) is obliged to refund to the User.
    7. For customer service inquiries or disputes, You may contact us by email at [email protected]. Where possible, we will work with you and/or any user selling on our website, to resolve any disputes arising from your purchase.
    8. You can pay for your order by bank cards Visa, Master Card, Mir or through payment systems Apple Pay, Yandex.Money, QIWI.
    1. If the User violates any terms of the present Agreement, any other regulating documents and rules posted by the Administrator on the Website, the Administrator has the right to block or delete the account of the User from the Website unilaterally and extrajudicially, to prohibit or limit access for the User to certain or all functions of the Website. At the same time such blocking or restrictions can be made by the Administrator without prior notice of the User and begin to work from the moment of adoption of such decision by the Administrator and making of the corresponding technical actions by the Administrator. In case of access blocking or restriction for the User to the User's account on the Website and/or to the Website Services by the Administrator in a cause of violation of the terms by the User or any other regulating documents and rules posted by the Administrator on the Website (that is qualified as – the guilty persons (both intentional and careless actions from the User of the Website) the Coins and Skins (virtual game units) which are available on User's balance on the Website are annulled and not refund by the Administrator to the User in any form.
    2. The administrator is not responsible for the operability of the Website and does not guarantee its smooth operation. The administrator also does not guarantee safety information posted on the Website and a possibility of uninterrupted access to the Website Services.
    3. If because of failure in work of hardware-software part of the Website this or that Round of a game (entertaining Website Service) is completed incorrectly (not by the rules specified on the Website), every User participating in the corresponding Round has the right to raise an objection to the result of such Round with indication of the reasons, having used a special form of feedback on the Website within one day. After such objection consideration the result of such Round can be canceled, and the placed Bets - are returned to the participating Users. Otherwise, the Round is declared valid.
    4. The user uses the Website as it is presented in the Internet at the network address: The administrator does not guarantee to the User any achievement of any results caused by the use of the Website.
    5. The administrator is not responsible for the User in case of blocking (other adverse effects) of User's account in community STEAM in connection with the use of the Website of the Administrator. The User assumes the specified risk (blocking of the account in community STEAM) and refuses any claims towards the Administrator in connection with the situation described in this paragraph.
    6. The administrator is not responsible for discrepancies of User's subjective impression of the Website and Website Services with User's expectations. The administrator is not responsible for what the impact and impressions of Website design, fonts and style of content placement on the Website have on the User.
    7. The administrator does not guarantee and is not responsible if use of the Website Services is forbidden and/or limited in that jurisdiction in which there is a User at the time of visiting the Website and/or use of the Website Services.
    1. The administrator provides the User with access to the Website information, Website Services information, the text of the present Agreement and other regulating documents establishing rules and regulations of receiving services of the Website before the User's authorization on the Website. After authorization on the Website, the User is given an opportunity of receiving website services.
    2. The present Agreement is considered concluded from the moment of the User's authorization on the Website through entering login and the password of the STEAM account in a special form. At the same time, the Website and STEAM are the different resources managed not by affiliates.
      1. The administrator is able to identify the User in community STEAM, obtain opened information in community STEAM on the User. In case of authorization of the User on the Website through STEAM account the Website gets the unique numerical identifier, but not closed information specified by the User on the STEAM resource.
      2. Being authorized on the Website, the User expresses the direct, full, unreserved and unconditional consent with regulations of the present Agreement.
      3. Considering that being authorized on the Website the User does not have to report any User's personal information to the Administrator, during existence of legal relationship between the Parties of the present Agreement and after the termination of the present Agreement, the Administrator is not under obligation to the User to protect User's personal information. As the Website and STEAM are different resources managed not by affiliates and as the User's personal information which is perhaps specified in case of registration at STEAM by the User is not transferred to the Website from STEAM (access is not opened), the Website is not responsible for how STEAM and other resources cooperating with STEAM collect, store, process, change, destroy information of the User.
    3. The administrator has the right to change, cancel, add any terms to the present agreement and other regulating documents of the Website (the rules which are available on the Website and containing instructions on the regulations and the provision of the website services) at any time unilaterally without preliminary coordination with the User.
      1. The changed/added text of the present Agreement becomes obligatory for one and all authorized Users on the expiration of 12 (twelve) hours from the moment of publication of the changed/added text of the Agreement at the network address:
      2. The user is obliged to monitor changes in the text of the Agreement which is available at the network address independently: If at a unilateral discretion of the Administrator the changes demand the additional personal notification of Users, the Administrator has the right (not obliged) to notify personally a circle of Users whom changes/additions may concern.
      3. The Use of the Website and its services by the User after the publication of the changed text of the present Terms and Conditions to the network address: means the User's full and unconditional consent with one and all regulations of the changed text of the Agreement.
    4. All suggestions or questions under this Agreement should be sent to the e-mail address: [email protected]
    1. Parties that have received confidential information for the purposes of fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement, information that constitutes a commercial secret, shall not be entitled to disclose this information to third parties without the written permission of the other Party of this Agreement, except as provided by law.
    2. In case of violation of the obligation provided in clause 7.1 of this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    3. The User agrees to the terms, purposes and procedures forprocessing personal data on the basis of the Policy on the processing ofpersonal data posted on the Website at:, and also gives his consent to the processing of personal data, the textof which can be found at:
    1. The website may contain references to other websites on the Internet (the websites of the third parties). The specified third parties and their content are not checked by the Administrator for compliance to these or those requirements (reliability, completeness, legality, etc.). The administrator is not responsible for any information, the materials posted on the websites of the third parties to which the User gets access in connection with the use of the Website including: for any opinions or statements expressed on the websites of the third parties, advertising, etc. and also for availability of such websites or content and consequences of their use by the User.
    2. The administrator does not guarantee that the Website meets the User's requirements, that access to the Website will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors. Hardware-software errors, both on the Administrator's part, and on the User's part, which lead to access failure to the Website and/or the personal account on the Website, are force majeure circumstances and the basis of exemption for a failure to perform by the Administrator under the Agreement.
    3. The administrator has the right to yield rights and transfer debts according to all liabilities created by the Agreement. The User hereby gives the consent to yield rights and transfer a debt to any third parties. The Administrator informs the User about the taken place yielding of the rights and/or transferring of a debt, by publication of the relevant information on the Website and such notification is considered to be sufficient by both Parties.
    4. The use of bugs and multi-accounts is prohibited on the site; in this case, the administrator has the right to serve any user of the site.
    5. The administrator has the right to refuse service of any User on the Website without explanation.
    6. In certain cases of Website use (including, but, without being limited: in case of dispute between the Parties, in the case of provision of any exclusive options to the User of the Website and in other cases, the list is not closed) the Administrator can offer the User to inform the user's personal information. In this case, providing the personal data, the User thereby agrees (without making any supplementary formal procedures except the acceptance of this agreement) that the Administrator has the right to process the personal data provided by the User i.e. to make any action (transaction) or complex of actions (transactions) made with use of an automation equipment or without use of such means with personal data including capturing, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (updating, change), retrieval, use, transfer (diffusion, provision, access), a depersonalization, lock, deleting, destroying of the personal data provided by the User.
    1. By concluding this Agreement, the User guarantees that he has full legal capacity, and has the right to enter into this Agreement.
    2. In the event of a dispute between the Parties, the information that is recorded using the technical means of the Website is of primary importance in resolving such disagreements.
    3. The Parties take into account and agree that the performance, non-fulfillment or improper performance of obligations under the Agreement can affect the status of the User, in accordance with the rules of the Website, information about it may be reflected on the relevant pages of the Website, used otherwise in connection with the functioning of the Website and its services.
    4. The User guarantees that they use the Website in accordance with the terms and conditions of its use, information about it on the Secure pages of the Website is reflected correctly and in full, they operate under their own, and not fictitious names, all actions performed on the Website are performed by them personally or by authorized persons are binding and legally valid for the User. The Parties undertake to inform each other about any fact of unauthorized disclosure of information to third parties. In the event of the third party's ownership of the User's account and the execution on his behalf of the User of actions in the personal account that have caused or may cause damage to him, the Contractor shall not be liable.
    5. All changes to the Agreement, correspondence between the Parties, notifications and appeals are carried out exclusively in Russian.
    6. The current Agreement is posted on the Website page at:
    7. The integral parts of this Agreement that the User unconditionally accepts (accepts) upon the conclusion of the Agreement are: - Consent to the processing of personal data posted on the Website at: ; - Policy in the field of personal data processing, posted on the Website:

Last update: 25.12.2024