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Opening the inventory on Steam for exchange: instructions

Steam Inventory is a virtual storage space where in-game items are kept. These items can be obtained through gameplay, purchased from the store, or traded with other users. The inventory provides opportunities for trading, customization, and enhancing the gaming experience.

What is the purpose of the Steam Inventory?

Collecting: Many players enjoy collecting rare and unique items, turning it into a rewarding hobby.

Customization: Skins, emotes, and other cosmetic items allow players to personalize their accounts and characters, standing out from the crowd.

Trading: The inventory enables players to trade items with others, which can be profitable or help acquire desired items.

How to open your inventory for trading?

To trade items on Steam, you need to access your inventory. Here’s how:

1. Launch the Steam application and log into your account.
2. On the main screen, locate your username in the top-right corner. Click on it and select "Inventory".
3. A new window will display your in-game items, organized by game. To adjust access settings, click the "..." (ellipsis) button and choose "Inventory Privacy Settings".

4. Check the box next to “Open” in the “Inventory” submenu.

5. Save the changes by clicking the appropriate button. Sometimes the changes may not take effect immediately, and you might need to wait around 30 minutes.
6. Your inventory is now open for trading, and you can start receiving offers from other players. To speed up the process, you can share your trade link with the Steam community. You can find this link by navigating to: «Username» → «Inventory» → «Trade Offers» → «Who can send me trade offers?».

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