Many players choose the 4:3 aspect ratio in CS, as it allows you to increase the width of models, increase FPS, and also simply because it is more convenient for many. Despite the fact that the image is getting less bright, not everyone is worried about it, and in CS2 you can also play with this aspect ratio.
How do I make a 4:3 resolution in CS2?
1. Go to settings CS2.
2. Go to category "Image" and subcategory "Graphics".
3. "Display mode" must be "full screen", otherwise we will not be able to make a resolution of 4:3.
4. In "Screen format", select "Normal, 4:3".
5. Select the appropriate resolution.
6. If your monitor supports a refresh rate greater than 60 Hz, do not forget to select the desired refresh rate, because this parameter is reset when changing the screen format.
7. Press "Apply changes".
How to remove black bars in CS2?
When using the 4:3 ratio for the first time, black stripes will appear on the sides of the game, but you can easily get rid of them. If you have a Nvidia graphics card, here's what you need to do:
1. Open the Control Panel Nvidia (to do this, press PCM on the Windows desktop and select the appropriate context menu item).
2. Go to "Adjusting the size and position of the desktop".
3. In menu "Zoom", select option "Full screen".
4. In the parameter "To perform scaling on", select "GP".
5. Apply the settings and you're done.
What should AMD graphics card users do:
1. Open AMD Radeon Software (to do this, press PCM on the Windows desktop and select the appropriate context menu item).
2. Go to settings (gear in the upper-right corner).
3. Open the "Display" tab and scroll to the line "GP Scaling".
4. Turn on "GP Scaling".
5. In "Zoom Mode", select "Full panel".
6. Open the "Games" section and select CS2.
7. In "Zoom Mode", select "Full panel".